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Ground living animal creatures on the Dracca planet.



Brignis are Fire tiny four legged animals, covered of brown fur. They live in groups of dozens to hundreds, socially structured. Their fur is highly flammable, forcing them to avoid fighting against each other. This enforced their already well developed instinct of conservation: they tend to run away first, and only fight back when they have no other choice. That flammable fur particularity urged them to build strong social links between each other, and even if they look a bit dumb one by one, they actually are smart enough when they are in group.


From the latin brunus, "brown", and ignis, "fire".



About the size of a deer, the Chamilois are agile herbivore, wide spread in high mountains and cliff like the Tjars mountains. Jumpy, they can hop from rock to rock, leaping for about three times its size. It's hard to approach them because they are easily scared, but they cannot resist watching and getting closer to the other animals they see, including the dragons. This means it's hard for you to approach them, but if you stay at the same place for few hours, they'll show up and approach you.


Unknown. The name is invariable.



Big fat animal with a very resistant skin. Its back scales are known to be "indestructible". Civilians often raise them for their surprising tasty meat, while the army build armors from their strong scales. Often linked to the Ground element, for their high resistance.


Comes from the French "char", implied "d'assaut" (tank).


Half way between a big dog and a world, Loupiards have long canine teeth growing outside their mouth. They live in groups, inside dark caves. They can be met inside the Tjars mountains, on Insularyuu.


Fearful mouse with eight paws, that is .

Myomorpha are colorful mouse about the size of a dragon's hand (few claws) with eight paws. They live all around Dracca.
The most pale one are almost white, and live in caves and mountains galleries. They are part of the Ground.
Green and brown ones prefer forests and plains, where they are related to the Plant or Ground elements.
Yellow and ocher ones from the Light or Fire elements live in the desert, and can sometimes be found on sunny beaches.
Few red Fire ones can also be seen nearby volcano and magma lakes.
The most rare are the blue ones, living nearby rivers and seas and are considered as part of the Water element.


From the subclass of Myomorpha, that regroups the mice and such. Name is usually invariable, even if "Myomorphas" is sometimes accepted.


Animal that looks like a huge snake, with a very elastic skin. When it's tamed, it can be very docile and harmless, but when it is left wild, it is a very aggressive and hostile enemy. Toothless and clawless, it suffocates preys in its rings until they die. It can attack preys up to five or six times its own size, like dragons. The smaller ones are directly eaten. Thanks to the impressive elasticity of its skin, this snake is the only known one to never slough its skin.


From the Greek pellas, "skin", and elastes, "elastic". Pellaste is a masculine noun.

Sea snake

Long aquatic animal, skillfully swimming on and above the sea surface, despite its very long size. Some can be more than three times longer than a dragon, from the top of their head to the point of their tail. Often hostile and aggressive, they are predators feared by all water creatures.


Small furry animal that live inside burrows on calm plains, like on Insularyuu, and that mainly eat insects. Very fearful, a Sorexeau digs lot of galleries and travels across its territory by jumping from terrier to terrier.